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Bituwin - template
Dementee - image

Wednesday, November 22, 2006



you know..today i woke up and found out that feebee came up to my room in the middle of the night and started scratching on the only shirt i had left!!!so i had to borrow a shirt from my mum..and it looks totally baggy on me.the weather has been so horrible the last few days..i just cant seem to get all my clothes dry.ive got shirts that were sent for washing two weeks ago but are still damp and smelly.if things dont perk up i think id need to start drying them with a hairdryer manually.))=

my left arm is hurting like crazy la.i think i sprained it or dunno what.yesterday it went completely numb and i almost couldnt play the damn piano.temporary loss of touch.basically right now im only using one hand to type.its such a labourious job gosh.my dad was joking about me having a stroke.so mean right??

ive been so freaking tired the last few days but the thing is..i cant sleep even if i want to.i automatically wake up after sleeping like 5 or 6 hours and after that i just cant sleep again.so i will drag my super heavy body around and realise my eyes are drooping.but when i get back into bed my eyes just stay wide open.seriously i think my entire body's mechanical system is going haywire.

5 days to con camp and 10 days to con itself!!!cant wait!!haha.most of the letters im gonna give to ppl have already been written and are now sitting messily on my desk waiting to be brought and put into their respective warm fuzzies during camp.

the sky's so dark now.it looks as if there would be a flood or something.but i'll bet that its probably going to rain for the most 1 hr and then itll become super hot and humid again.i just hate this kind of weather.always keeps us guessing.and i hate guessing games.play a guessing game with me i'll chop your head off.((=

i think i shall upload some more photos.go have a look when you all have the time yeahh???no wait.you have to go look even if you dont have the time.haha.you never know..your picture might be there.((=heh.

ok this is taking seriously long.all because of my stupid dysfunctional hand.i basically have to put a lot of concentration focua and control before my fingers actually start moving.it feels useless..a really weird weird feeling ive never felt before..

eh ppl start tagging leh!!my blog's becoming super dead already..hmm maybe i shall do some publicity..haha.ok then.have fun during your hols guys!!lovelove!!


Monday, November 20, 2006


cmp was fun..heh..the kids were really adorable, but there were some who were super duperly shy and just sat down..*munch, slurp, munch, slurp* Do you want to play games???""ok..""huh?i cant here here you."uh..anything lo''they seemed to be talking to mice.((:but there was these two girls who were really enthu and they ust kept following me around the whole day.and they kept asking.."JIEJIE!!!!when are you acting your skit?when are you acting your skit????WHEN???WHEN???HOW LONG MORE!!!!WE WANT TO SEE YOU ACTING!!!!jiejie!!!WHY THEY SO LONG????"haha.i guess you could say i was basking in all the attention i was getting.it was fun la..

the skit had a lot of last minute impromptos.extra lines were added here and there to lengthen the skit but somehow it came out much shorter than during practice.and i guess everyone was pretty nervous..so we spoke our lines really fast.

and my brother had the nerve to pick the group i was facilling(is there such a word??).cause they asked him and his friend.."which group would you like to be in??""5!!!"because i had told him the previous night i would help out in grp5.=pGRAAAAAAAAAAAA.

then when it ended the two girls kept following me around."JIEJIE!!TAKE PHOTO WITH YOU AND JIEJIE NUMBER 2!!!"(i was no.1 and atricia was no.2)obiously they only remembered my name because no.1, it is so much easier to pronounce(i got them to call me cassie) and no. two..because i was so much more adorable than atrcia!!haha.so ego.IM JOKING.if any of them read this im in trouble.lol.

but other than that. my mood was completely sullen the rest of the day.ive been getting really pissed at the smallest things..im really tired of being with my family and all..how theyve been interrogating me since a particular incident.sometimes i just wanna walk out of the house and slam the door..but i cant.because deep down..i love them all so so much.and also because i havent got money..=p

hence ive been going for mass more often than ever.whenever i get the chance to.it gives me this chance to relax..even that one hour is good.oh man.im getting super emo again.ah crap.

ive got guides for three days this week.and next week i'll be at con camp..gonna enjoy my time there man..away from all the problems that are just beginning to surface and show their ugly colours..then i'll have my confirmtion.ok then.love ya all.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

its been a really depressing day ppl.

thats basically all ive gotta say.)):

not that im gonna let any of you worry.so i'll end here.


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

hey ppl!!!

i updated my photos..go have a look yeah?

i cant believe it..just two more drugerous days of extended studies..and its over!!!!but then there's like guides after that..-.-then con camp.then im flying off to orlando.

and im gonna have my ic done.i dunno when though.should be before we leave.cause after's abit late..dont you think..

tomorrow's chem spa.urghh..one more cassie.one cassie.you just need to tahan one more gal..add oil.add oil.add oil.JIA YOU!!!!(self motivation works!)((:

for the rest of you, how've you hols been?i certainly hope it hasnt been like mine..because ive got my 'o's next year..so that cant be helped..scary lehh..i mean..theyre just 7 or 8 months away..cause next year 'o's might be a little earlier.i think they're doing away with the first 3 months of jc thing..

you realise im writing in super short paragraphs.i entirely dunno why im doing that.oh well that doesnt metter doea it???at least im still blogging!!!

life's been great.i seldom say this.so when it comes i better say it.((: except for some stupid..really stupid things to be taken care of..and no one's helping..)):haha..i have a smiley and sad face all in one paragraph..so contradictory.

of course i'll still need a lot of motivation..ive got so many things to do..and there's only one of me..sometimes i just need to get away and drop everything,just forget about everything that needs worry..and relax.

i think i shall go and sleep early.i'll need a good rest to be wide awake for my chem spa tomorrow..i'll need to be fresh and smart.and i dunno what else.oh god.my mind's fuzzy.its been fuzzy since yesterday afternoon.i can barely think.i need my brain back.i need to think tomorrow.its either gonna be titration or the highest temperature recorded thing aka exo/endo thermic experiment.

ok guys.luv ya all.muacks muacks!!

remember to go see the photos..there's a new album and new pics under school maties.


Sunday, November 12, 2006

this is the second post today.obviously cassie's bored..she has got nothing else better to do..

the only reason you dont see any pics on my blog is due to the fact that whenever i try to upload some images..there always seems to be an error in connection.damn.i remember about 6 months ago i spent like 3 hrs just tryong to upload 1 single pic..which failed.GRRRRRRRAAAAAAA..

so i have completely given up.so next time dont complain if you cant find any images on this boring blog.if you dont like to read, too bad.thats all i have.((:

cmp is next week.i dont think we're prepared.haha.we can barely remember our lines.in fact, we cant even remember them at all!!i have the longest lines..every scene im bound to say something mann..so next week's our last practice.then the day after is the party...for the kids.but its fun to do this sort of thing la..as in you get to bond more with your batch of mates and you get some new friends..and you get to play around with all those kiddies!!!!i totally cant resist like the lower pri kids..they're just so adorable..especially the short chubby ones.haha.the bad thing is..my brother's gonna be there too..i CANT BELIEVE IT..hes gonna watch me being act out an enlightened gurl..and i swear he's gonna continuously torture and torment me by constantly bringing it up.seriously la..i think rebecca deserves to die..along with all you ppl who raised your flingy arms during meeting.haha.jkjk.

im surprised i havent had any gastric pain yet.as in..ive hardly eaten since like monday or something.everyday is just this small meal or bits and pieces of food.and amazingly, im not losing weight.im actually gaining.this is so WRONG!!!!i dont want to be gaining weight..or body mass(which is actually the correct term but wth).there's something wrong with my body system lahh..my body's impossible.bleah.im so sick of not being able to understand what my body wants me to do..i always have to make wild guesses and if i get them wrong i fall sick just like that.maybe its because when i was born my stomach wasnt fully developed yet.so whenever my mummy fed me i would just puke.'like a fountain' as quoted from my dad.but then again..what has that got to do with me now????i mean, a few weeks ago my stomach was like expanding like crazy..in would gorge on all sorts of junk food AND eat humongous meals..and half an hour later i would get hungry again.but now i completely cant eat anything.this is terrible.maybe i i have depression or something..haha..

ok..Symptoms of Depression

You feel miserable and sad. (not so sure about this.it happens occasionally but then again, who doesnt?)
You feel exhausted a lot of the time with no energy . (not true im always super hyped up))
You feel as if even the smallest tasks are sometimes impossible. (OMG this is so true)
You seldom enjoy the things that you used to enjoy-you may be off food or may 'comfort eat' to excess. (ok..freaky)
You feel very anxious sometimes. (getting freakier)
You don't want to see people or are scared to be left alone. Social activity may feel hard or impossible. (O M G)
You find it difficult to think clearly. (this is always happening to me so cant judge on this)
You feel like a failure and/or feel guilty a lot of the time. (no failure..but guilty yes..)
You feel a burden to others. (hur..havent exactly thought about this before)
You sometimes feel that life isn't worth living. (completely true)
You can see no future. There is a loss of hope. You feel all you've ever done is make mistakes and that's all that you ever will do. (nope.this is not me)
You feel irritable or angry more than usual. (i dunno.you'll have to ask ppl who have been spending time with me)
You feel you have no confidence. (quite often)
You spend a lot of time thinking about what has gone wrong, what will go wrong or what is wrong about yourself as a person. You may also feel guilty sometimes about being critical of others -or even thinking critically about them.(ALOT OF TIME)
You feel that life is unfair.(ive been growing under this phrase..so cant use this either)
You have difficulty sleeping or wake up very early in the morning and can't sleep again. You seem to dream all night long and sometimes have disturbing dreams. (disturbing dreams, yes.not being able to sleep again, no)
You feel that life has/is 'passing you by.' (no way.)
You may have physical aches and pains which appear to have no physical cause, such as back pain.(all the time)

ok..there are 18 symptoms of which 3 are not applicable.taking all the not so sures aside..therell be13 left.so out of 13, i have 9 which say i might be suffering from depression.but haha.i dont think so lah..this is just to add some life into my already dead blog.((:

ppl youve got to tag mann!!otherwise its gonna becomelike some crazy blog..where the blogger just posts and no one reads..)): i dont want to have a blog like that ok????must flood my tagboard kayy?

ok guys.luv ya.

p.s.im super excited for con..eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!haha..my brain is going cuckoo..but hey!haha.



i cant believe my parents went on holiday without me..boohoo..

and after that they dumped me at some distant aunt's place to stay the night..

but at least she was nice..she let me use her com till about 12.30 in the morning until she came in and screamed her lungs off, waking the whole family.MALU.i was chatting..and doing heymath homework..which reminds me, i still have the almost 100% uncompleted prime thing..

basically i just went for tuition from 2-4 ..then headed back home to put down my incredibly heavy bag(i dont even know why its so heavy..there's just like this stack of foolscap and my pencil case and wallet and phone) took a smaller one and headed to church.

oh yeah, it was raining. and even after folding up my jeans super high it STILL became wet.so irritating.thank goodness i didnt wear sneakers, or else they would have been squeaking like alicia's during tuition...haha.i didnt know my shoes were wet actually, until i took them off, dried my feet and slipped them back on.they were cold and damp.but i couldnt possibly wear my white slippers..it would be worse.so wore the same old shoe back again.

then i went for mass with becky.and she fell asleep during sermon.i was like..WHATT???HOW CAN YOU FALL ASLEEP?(i am such a hypocrite la, i used to fall asleep during sermons when i was in p3 too.)then there was some part where this priest(i think he's like spanish or something) he said 'consecrated life' then rebecca heard it as 'constipated life' cause his diction wasnt very good..then she started sniggering.so i was like'what?what??'and she said'stop looking at me like that!!' cause i was so eager to know..so she said'ill tell you after mass, youll surely laugh.'and after mass she told me.i laughed.but not THAT long.i mean, after cmp meeting, she was still laughing about it..i wasnt.

meeting was fun..somehow when it came to the dinner scene all of us started laughing..again and again.it just seems like every single dinner scene that we practised is sure to have that laughing powder present or something.oh and louis gave rebecca a cactus.for her birthday present.HOW SWEET LA!!haha.no. cassie is not jealous.im not ok??haha i feel happy for her..((:oh yea..cassie's is on the 8th next month..(DOUBLE HINT)

this morning i woke up at 8.realised its the 12th nov..my grandmas 5th death anniversary tomorrow..but theres school tmr..so i went to her niche today..spent the whole morning there.reflected on some stuff..shed some tears..its just so fast..5 year just zooms past like that.ok fine. i admit that going to the niche was part of an excuse to leave my aunt's home.((:but i really wanted to go see her.so i just sat at the st.francis xavier's columbarium till about 12. took the bus back..and tadah..im back in home sweet home.im still trying to get someone to go out with me..though i have to say that if it involves eating, id rather not go.my stomach has been feeling completely bloated for the past weekk..i just cant seem to fill it up with anything except water.

my parents are coming home tonight.finally.hmm.maybe i shall go for mass again tonight..cause i didnt exactly grasp the full meaning of yest's sermon..but going for mass alone just feels so..weird.

ok now im going to bug some ppl to go out with me.bye guys.remember that cassie loves you.muacks!


Friday, November 10, 2006

its time for a post guys and gurls!

my life has been one big blur,one big stupid blur.dont ask me why or how.it just is.if i could tell you every single detail in my life, itll probably take like 99 billion sentences or something close to that effect.

here are just some thoughts:

  • well, i have God.ilove him man.hes just so great.i love the church.
  • ive got friends who care.and i love them so much too.thanks guys!!!muacks.
  • my parents didnt chop my head off when i showed them my report book.i was simply stunned.'theyre not gonna strangle me?'lol.
  • its been an incredible journey and im going to get confirmed soon.
  • oh yeah, and im turning 15 just 6 days after that.(hinthint)<--notice thats in bold??
  • my parents left me at home all alone.i basically have the whole home to myself.
  • i seldom cry myself to sleep anymore.(long story)
  • and some others...meant to be kept as a secret ((:


  • you should have seen my results.they were atrocious.15 points.like what kind of good jc could i possibly go to???
  • im in a whole lot of crap.why do i even get myself involved in such things??
  • im feeling bloated all the time.cant eat a proper meal at all..
  • i screwed up o level spa.
  • i cant believe my parents went without me..(its good and bad) ((:
  • i still cry myself to sleep..once in a while

but one thing's for sure, im enjoying life.savouring every single second of it.cause when the time comes, ill realise how much they would mean to me.im pretty sure about that.

guys its the hols.do something fun.dress up like a zombie and walk into your neighbours home(ok i know halloween's over but heh), play on your guitar at 2am in the morning and piss your neighbourhood off(my neighbour does that.its seriously irritating) or go to a supermarket and load your trolley with things, then say at the counter that youve decided not to buy anything.it would be fun for a good laugh.if your life is completely boring and you feel that you just need some excitement after all the stupid extended studies(like im having..)

i guess thats all i have to say.i just want you all to know that i appreciate you guys and that you mean alot to me.friendship is never replaceable.((:remember that.

ok.good night my friends.sleep tight.and whatever you do, dont let the bedbugs bite.wich me all the best for my life.luv ya all.

