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Sunday, December 31, 2006


this will be my last post for the year!

all the best for 2007 guys!luv ya all!!!

<3 cassie

p.s.it's short and sweet!

Friday, December 22, 2006



so basically its about one month since my last post huh.this one's gonna be pretty long.or very long.depends on each individual.hehehehehehehehehehehe.ok..let's start with con camp!

con camp was simply amazing.hmm..shall write on a day-to-day basis.more organized that way.(and what's more, its easier for me to copy and paste from my diary, which by the way, is so much more in use than this blog.)
Group5 facils:brendan,cassie,lucas
group5 confirmants:me!steffi sheryl melissa nicole nic andrew (jason & diana from cameron)
after registration we had some ice breakers.pretty lame but at least they served their purpose.((=i suppose when its lame thats how you have fun la.'let's all be kids again!!'we played double wacko, some lighthouse thingy and evolution.evolution was a good laugh.basically we had the chickens(girls) against the snarly crocs(guys).obviously the better gender always wins(SEXIST!!!heheh.) and the guys had to do a forfeit, which, after much consideration turned out to be the she bangs william hung style.i think i almost laughed my guts out cause some of the dudes just looked so ridiculous shaking away.so then we went up to the prayer hall for some sessions following the theme of family, shant comment much, cause it was quite maluating.so then after sessions were games.poison river was..uh..messy.chairs were everywhere, PEOPLE were everywhere, and id sheepishly admit that my group kinda cheated a few times by getting our facils to carry chairs for us.hee.captain's ball followed.it was completely fun, except for the fact that i got thrown onto the floor countless times cause the guys were so completely rough(and some of the girls too!!!)after that we washed up had mass and finished the day with a few more sessions.yep.oh.wrote fuzzies before lights out.and i got quite pissed for about an hour by the fact that we wouldnt be getting matresses beneath our sleeping bags this year.but thats only an hour!!!!=p so then because i couldnt sleep, i bugged rebecca to keep me company which she did till she couldnt take it anymore, then i smsed my mum who so sweetly pei me till i fell asleep(i think that was about 2am in the morning).
surprisingly i managed the day with 3-half hours of sleep.woke up at 5.15and sat in my sleeping bag to stone for 30min and trying not to think of my aching back and butt.then ceci woke up and accompanied me to go wash up.sat at canteen to write more fuzzies and fill in my diary.i think it was around 7 we went up for morning prayer had breakfast and some sessions on <3.uhh..cant remember whether it was lunch first or mass first,but im pretty sure it was mass first.wet games was in the afternoon,really really inconvenient, if you know what i mean.XD dirty..but fun!i got smeared with blue paint,yellow coloured flour,green starch orange goo.my hair became like an old lady's and my scalp had dough stuck to it.my fingernails turned blue and green and my specs turned from red to yellow..but still, i had the time of my life!!!of course getting the stuff out was a pain though.i made sure i had a really long bath when i got home because i didnt have enough time at camp to scrub it all out.my specs cant be helped though.the yellow inky stuff is still like stuck onto the corner of my lens, but heh.its my souvenir.quoted off from diary:im having so much fun.dont wanna go home just yt.would stay if i had the clothes.(((((((=we had a pretty early dinner on tuesday.later went down to chapel to watch passion of christ.though id watched it like 3 times before that, i could barely remember anything cause it was so long ago and the experience watching it with ppl my age was all different.you could say tears were welling up inside but they refused to drop, which was good in a way i guess.looks like i still cant stand the part where carrey was re-enacting the part where jesus got tortured.i was creeping down low into my seat, unwilling to see or hear any part of the whipping.too graphic.ahhh!!!looks like i just lost my job inside a prison(if i ever do decide to work in there).after movie was praying over.i guess each experience is always different and really personal.sooo..i shall skip this part and just summarise it into one sentence: it was amazing but at the same time amusing.((=yep.some ppl already know the story..go do some digging to find out!by the time we finished was already like 11 or close to 11.was so dead beat i knocked out almost immediately after snuggling in to my sleeping bag.
woke up at 5.30.i dunno whats with me.ive got this thing that whenever i go for camp im aways one of the first few awake.if wake up call is at 6.30 ill be awake by 5.if wake up call is at 5(which hasnt happened yet, so haha) ill probably be up by 3.30 or something.i dont need an alarm clock during camps.id willingly be yours!!!but dont blame me if i wake you up one and a half hours before you need to.heee.basically we did more or less the same thing in the morning, did morning prayer had breakfast and then sessions.after that was lunchand some briefing befor we went out for amazing race.basically the aim of the game was to find moses so that he could present you with some priviledge thing so you wouldnt need to play the station games.like a fastpass i guess.i think only 2 or 3 teams found him though and 2 of the groups didnt know what to do with moses after that.hehe.my group(or at least i) didnt know that we were even supposed to find moses la.so we just kept walking and walking.i was leading the way, and was doing quite ok until a certain point i got us completely lost and took my entire group on a mini detour.what kind of guide am i?????????i could get lost even with a map in my hand.MALUUUUUUU.well at least i tried.not like some other groups whose facil brought them to a kopitiam to have drinks and tea.-.-managed to come in 5th at the end.felt really thirsty so rushed to water point but then realised the water supply was no more.wanted to cry but decided not to, i mean, over a stupid thing like that.i think i almost fainted from dehydratioin or something, but maybe a little exaggerated.i dunno.cant exactly remember what happened a month ago.got back to church where i was victimised.walking towards the shower i recieved a blow and a splat on my shirt made by a ball that had been picked up on the road.not knowing what it had gone through(appareantly it went through shit and everything i dunno and i dont wanna know)i sorta freaked but thank god he threw it at my shirt and not my face or something.TATING!!!went for mass after showering, had dinner which was lated followed by a reconciliation with parents.i cant say how much i cried,after reading their letters after writing them a letter after seeing them.the beginning was pretty funny seeing how i was prtty shocked when cassie handed me three letters.i thought she was getting me to distribute them but turned out they were all mine.so basically i just looked at her and stoned.'what?''take all 3.they're yours.''huh?really?how come so many?''heehee'.so i just took.not only were the letters great in terms of number, they were really humongous in length too.each letter was at least 2 pages long.by the time i finsihed reading all of the, some ppl had already completed writing their letters.heheh.either that or i was reading very slowly.the tears came out unexpectedly la.i thought that after experiencing a similar experience at th ernest wong camp i sorta knew what was gonna happen, but they still came out anyway.and my relationship with my parents isnt all that pathetic.after that was potluck,had tons to eat, and tons of friends to cry on.i think i made poor becky's shirt all wet from all the crying.after the reconciliation thing was probably one of the funniest experiences ever.basically i got to know martin, cause he mistook me from ivy.so what he did was he came up to me and said,'you're ivy right?''uh no?''dont bluff!youre ivy!''what??im not la!''so then who's ivy?''she's short and wears specs hair is about shoulder length..'and i slowly realised i was also describing me.'thats you!''no really!ivy's also like that!'so then he brought me all over camp, asking ppl what my name was.he wasnt satisfied after hearing cassandras and cassies being repeated over and over and over.haha.then i pointed out ivy to him and he just stopped and stoned.then his face turned red.apparently ivy had sent him some fuzzy saying that she was going to kick his butt or something.i dunno.and then i demanded a fuzzy.heh.im just so evil.after that went to mother mary's room for a quiet class partehh.
really didnt feel like going home.after morning prayer went to roy's old home(which was going be torn down in three months time,now 2) for breakfast.had a really big thosai which i couldnt finish.he told us freak stories about the home, some of which were pretty lame but i guess if id been the one to see it it might have been a traumatic one for me.proceeded back to church to pack up and start cleanup.we cleaned the guy's toilet at the back where the sacristry was.it was FILTHY.i dunno how guys can survive in there.anyway cleaned it up(and lucas made me super wet la, i poor thing somemore got no more clothes to change into) then went back up to prayerhall feeling reallyreally cold for confession.had some prizepresentation thing and did some admin stuff.more or less that was how camp ended.after that, hang around in church so that i could go for evening mass with becca then went home.ohohoh..fuzzy count:44.i beat becca and andre!they had 42.heh.

hmm..ok next up CONFIRMATION!!!!!!it was fantastic.i woke up super early in the morning cause i was really kan chiong that i would be late.later i was so busy dealing with my nervousness i really became late and reached church 5 minutes later than reporting time.at least only 5 minutes la.some ppl 45 min late power sia.had more fuzzies.so total count nowis 54.(=had tons of gifts from relatives and friends.thank goodness i didnt forget my lines when the archbishop confirmed me.somehow we didnt see the archbishop though,after mass.apparently he had planned a seperate mass for the main reason of wanting to mingle with the newly confirmed but i didnt even see him at all.after mass went to church hall.took photos.went home.then had a confirmation cum birthday dinner.next day, went for mass and out for lunch.nothing much la, though you have to go look at all the pics.i uploaded plenty of new albums so go have a look yea?

oversea trip was a big break from all the schedules and everything, but at disneyworld it got kinda irritating after awhile, seeing disney characters everywhere at every crook and cranny.but i suppose thats disneyworld so im being idiotic.nothing much fantastic though i did get to sit in a limo!!!!haha.

ok shall stop here.remember to go see the pics ya?my holiday album still not complete though.ok then!have a nice christmas and a happy new year!
