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Wednesday, January 31, 2007
did any of you watch the match between thailand and singapore??
im not exactly a humongous fan of soccer, but when such things happen on live telecast, it will keep even the least tv addict glued to the screen.huans just LOOOOOVE scandals, dont they? total score: s'pore 2 thailand 1.the first goal was pretty boring.i guess it was kind of like a fluke shot that the ball went in.everyone was everywhere, and the formations were so messed up,the ball kept changing directionand suddenly this slow ball inched toward the net and DOING!it was a goal.second goal was more fun.and it was all so nicely planned.i sorta liked it.even though it was the thais who scored.heheh.ohoh.and in the first half there were sooo many thai players who got injured, or so we all think.i was starting to get afriad they might not have enough substitutes in the second half.but obviously the highlight of the match was all the pushing and shoving and yelling in the 83rd minute.and they stormed off the field for 13 whole minutes, when the referee awarded a penalty kick to the spore side.dont mind me, but this is sorta..uh..i dunno, lame.it shows a lack of sportsmanship in the thais.though i have to reiterate a point, that if i were in the thai's shoes i would be feeling the same way too.so i guess its a prickly issue to discuss.heh.we'll just leave all these politically-linked stuff to the two governments.like becca said, the sporean players will need extra security in thailand.heh. apart from that, there were certain players that stood out.like both the number 7s.jia yi from spore and the thai side im not so sure.somehow jiayi seemed alot more involved in the game than some of his other mates, and the no.7 thai player kept getting hit by the sporean players during the first half.i kind of started feeling really sorry for him, but i guess these are pretty normal.soccer players feel free to correct me.as you can obviously tell, im no player, but a spectator.and not a very ardent one at that.so..constructive criticism will be accepted.haha. in any case, the referee was a LITTLE sided towards singapore.just a teeny weeny bit.so much so it became pretty subtle.i suppose the thais did deserve a bit more...uh..compassion?i dunno.whats that word again?tong qing..translate somebody!! tomorrow i shall go read the papers first thing in the morning, see what the newspaper has to say about it, and all the cool pictures the photographers managed to take.then ill go to school and talk to know and pynx about this, and see how they feel.of course, i mihg have to explain the details of the match first.((= im doing pretty alright in handling all my duties and stuff!!thanks to lots of ya who have shown me utmost concern!! luv ya all!! <3 cassie
Sunday, January 28, 2007
things just get worse dont they?
the small problems seem to be getting bigger and bigger, and the big problems just seem to be exploding.everyday communications get so stifled, arguments turn into violent fights. nights with sweet dreams have changed to nights of horror, nights of insomnia. even the day seems so dark. what happened to all the laughter, to all the little giggles that took place so often?then, even the worst disagreements could bring out a tiny laugh, a tiny snigger.now it doesnt even take a word for eveyone to flare up. how could i possibly show them its for real? sometimes i really really wonder why im here.what my purpose is. someone just end it.please. i suppose one day ill look back and realise how immature im been in my thoughts.how naive id been.but for now its getting kinda difficult to handle.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
well well..
recently ive been soo caught up with school cas church guides and everything else ive hardly had time to spare for myself.plus the entire family drama that seems to be getting worse everyday.i just cant think straight anymore.ever so often, my mind always wanders off to another topic and im unable to focus. its all just so frustrating being unable to say anything to anyone.i dunno.i just feel like my life's going haywire and im helpless.that feeling of not being able to do anything sure sucks.just once, id like to see my parents talk without tension swarming in.just once id like to freeze time and relax for a tiny moment.just once id like to have someone listen, and really really understand. but things dont happen that way.they just dont. <3 cassie
Friday, January 19, 2007
and...........TADAH!!ive got myself a new skin!yay me!!!*claps in self-approval*
so how do you all like it?i guess i was in a holy and sweet mood so i decided on something sentimental.((=isnt the girl soo adorable. still stuck at home but at least i didnt feel as bored as yesterday.as they say, prayer's a powerful weapon.hee.its helped me overcome all the feelings of boredom.or at least, most of it. i wonder how the rehearsal for thinking day at chung cheng went.which reminds me..GAMBATTE PB THAM!!!for the sweet love of god this girl was still available at 10pm last night when i called and asked her to take over me at the last minute.i owe her a lunch treat or something. school.there's probably tons and tons of worksheets waiting for me under my desk.or in huiching's bag.gosh.thats two days of missing school for me. still.. <3 cassie
Thursday, January 18, 2007
oh man.being sick seriously seriously SUCKS.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
ive caught a terrible cold.it feels like the bubonic plague.only that i havent got black spots and rings all over my body.haha.sheesh.ive been sneezing every minute and coughing and i dunno what-ing.i hate being sick.(though sometimes it gives you good reason not to go to school)
i shouldnt be here.i should be busy mugging away, with my chinese books.practising for my chinese oral and listening compre.but seriously speaking, i cant be bothered. oh man.how am i gonna continue the year with this kind of attitude towards my work?????i need motivation.WHERE'S THE MOTIVATION??????????MOTIVATION MAN!!!!!!!! learning journey's next friday.going to pulau semakau.the landfill place.COOL.ive always wanted to go there.apparently its a really nice place and all.shall take lots of photos.((= ok then.tata my beloveds. <3 cassie
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
maths and ss were a bummer.nvm.add oil cassie!marks dont matter.its the process of learning.just make sure i do well for os.heh.quoted from mr peh and re-enected by cheong nina.
2 more to go!!go cassie go!go cassie go!you know, this self-motivation thingy isnt exactly working out, but it creates entertainment for not only me but all my blog viewers as well.haha. forgot ALL about my mummy's birthday yesterday, i feel super terible but blame it on my stupid mind that was filled with the words 'diplomacy is the way in which countries manage or conduct relations with one another'.'diplomacy is the way in which countries manage or conduct relations with one another'.'diplomacy is the way in which countries manage or conduct relations with one another bla bla bla'. school had a water pipe that burst.funny sight in the morning though i didnt take into consideration that it might really be a leakage.so didnt say anything.but turned out to be true.heh.looks like my analyzing skills arent that bad after all. im pulling onto the last strands of my hair.whens it ever gonna end man?yeah im being random here. alright.love you guys. <3 cassie p.s. becca:i was just pondering over it just now.im feeling soooo super guilty.im really sorry.omg.i feel terrible.because i think im not thinking about how you feel.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
its been a weird day.a busy day.a messy day.a crazy day.
i should refrain from blogging too often..i'll probably get addicted or something. yes!the week's cas are over.thank goodness. the week is going by really reallllllllyyyyy slowly though.bleargh. <3 cassie
schhol library.havent been here in ages...
just had library criteria admission health checkup, the L3R1.hehehe.no shorts nvm.no shoes..uh..i dunno.no health booklet nvm.yeah ok.insidejoke.((= oh wells.amath remedial later.i like amath and all...but..too much la.amth tuition after amath remedial.WAYYYY too much. nina's crapping.haha.ok then. <3 cassie
Friday, January 05, 2007
went to ecp today with class.mrs pang is sooo cute.i think she and delia are super daring.and not to mention felise and mrs foo(ms tay-i keep forgetting she changed her name).me acting as a monkey was the easy part.had tons ans tons and tons of fun!!! all the excitement before we finally settle down and mug. 4e7 rocks man! though the 4 sounds so..uhh...old.i dunno la.oh wells. <3 cassie oh btw, this i super random so just ignore me if you wish.its the last day of christmas and also the first friday of the year!yay!haha yesyes..i can see all the -.- faces.heh.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
yesyes.it seems everyone has been talking nothing but school the last few days.
well, i have to say, i only JUST realised how packed our sec 4 schedule is.everyday remedials, intensive supplementry lessons everyday from term 3 onwards after school as well as during the first half of the june (supposed) holidays. tentative schedule for os: 22/10 to 13/11.its amazing isnt it.no more first three months of jc and all..urgh.which also means less time to prepare. ok im just pouring out my sorrows here. so then i ask myself, is 7 points really asking for too much?i mean, i can barely touch the 15 mark in school which is like,more than twice of what im asking for.but shoots.anything is possible if you just believe right?well i hope its true.cause im believeing i can do it!! <3 cassie
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
school's in less than 12 hours..oh mann..
though i have to say, itd be nice than staying stuck at home doing nothing.. oh wells..all the best in your academic stuff! <3 cassie
Monday, January 01, 2007
HAPPY 2007!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[basically i was gonna post it before 6pm but my relatives came early and i had to stop.adding on in brackets so you'll know what's new.]
well..there's many many many more but these are the main ones.hee. 2006 has certainly been a super duperly fufilling year, with highlights and um..lowlights?is there such a word?oops.but i guess you get what i mean.ive accomplished so much, yet ive also messed up some stuff pretty badly.lets see..2006.
heh.cant think of any more. so anyway i wanted to go 11pm mass yest.but..at the last minute fell ill and hence stayed at home, then went over to neighbours place.came back, fell onto my bed and knocked out.i think ive been so excited that i havent been sleeping well the last few days.i keep waking up in the middle of the night and thinking its morning or something.my stupid bodyclock needs to be reset and retimed again.so then this morning slacked in bed, thinking.i should kick the habit.then got out ate brunch went to kovan to shop!yeah..thats more like it.so spent some time there got back and here i am!was surfing awhile before i decided to blog. relatives coming over tonight.[already here.and they dont seem like they're leaving any time soon]my dad invited them over for a mahjong game.i cant see what so nice about mahjong.especially if you've to sit there for hours just to complete one round.and then there's the northsoutheastwest thing and seeing how slow my fogies reactions are, one game takes about 4 hours.yeah.i cant even stare at the tv for four hours.well but i'll never know will i?unless i learn how to play it and maybe get addicted to it too or something.but thats against my principles, so its gonna be pretty hard to persuade me.ooh, but i like poker.and taitee. [my 8 year old cous is SOOOOOO hyper.i wonder how many bottles of sugar he takes every day.his energy never seems to run out and he sure packs a powerful punch.seriously.he's punched me till my foot got twisted.))=gosh.WHY ISNT HE A SINGLE BIT TIRED???but he's cute.just now we were playing game of life, something he so insisted badly we should play.so then we were all nicely halfway into the game, with me the big loser(i always lose in these kind of games heh.).i was like owing the bank tons of money(guess my job as a banker is gone).so anyway his mum started taking life tiles from him and he started complaining and whining,then he suddenly stood up and said,''stop taking la!why you all bully me??you,you and you!you all cheat one!hey i youngest but i smartest ok?dont you DARE try to cheat me.you all cheat!CHEAT CHEAT CHEAT!''then he ran to my kitchen slammed the door and started crying.we were all laughing away.i know, so evil, but hey.he was winning by this super big margin.so then his mum told me,''darren, if you're not gonna play we're gonna keep it.''''i wanna play but you all keep cheating!sniff.cheat!sniff.cheat!sniff.''''ok lo, since we cheat we dont play.''''WAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DADDU!THEY ALL BULLYING ME!!!!!!!''so basically it went on and on and on and on till we decided to stop and pack up.then he sat down on the sofa and started showing this muka on his face.pout pout pout.''darren dont be like that ah. youre in other ppl's house.'' ''dont talk to me!(throws tissue at his mum)'' then my dad, being rather pissed off after so much whining, stands up and goes,''DARREN!YOU DO NOT TALK TO YOUR PARENTS AND TREAT THEM LIKE THAT, DO YOU HEAR ME?THIS IS MY HOUSE AND YOU WILL RESPECT THE PEOPLE THAT ARE IN HERE.IF I WERE YOUR FATHER I WOULD HAVE WHACKED YOU BY NOW.SO GO SIT DOWN AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH!'' woah.there was silence for like 10 minutes after that.then my brother came back from his barbequeue and the noise started again.at least my bro managed to quieten him down a little by playing with him the xbox.and they're still at it till now.oh well.i guess that's more or less about it.night guys!school starts in less than 30 hours!shucks!] <3cassie |