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Friday, August 31, 2007
FINALLY.prelim break.
one week before they start again.but well, i DO have my one week. teachers' day.i think its only in tk that we can be ourselves.you see seniors back in school on teacher's day actually having fun.see them on other days they look as if theyre walking zombies with no life. bleah.my dear jc,spare me! talking about jcs, i have completely no confidence thats i'll be able to get my at-least-10-l1r5.its virtually impossible,considering the fact i know i screwed my only humans,esp GEOG.friggin geog.and my two science papers so far,which to say, if only i had studied a little harder the marks would definitely come out an a1.and physics there is never any ba wo.RAWR. so xy and i were waiting for nina just now in the bubble tea shop and i so happened to glance through this book called 'eats,shites and leaves'(i think)' its cool cause they give quotes made by real people that are crazily funny and i couldnt stop laughing my butt off.and some of them actually make sense!! i managed to jot some down:
Sunday, August 26, 2007
stupid stupid stupid.
i just hate it when people behave so insensitively.it just seems impossible for a person to have so little compassion.sure,you didnt know.after a while, im pretty sure everything showed right?unless you're so freaking SLOW and dumb that you just dont get the hint. she didnt want it you idiot.surely you understood that? and you laughed.that was the best part.i cant believe that you,of all people would ever do that. omg.suck eggs man. she cried and you, being the jerk laughed. she loved you,and you used her. you're a huge disappointment, because i never knew you were this sort of person. AHHHHHHHHH...change topic. youtube has got realllly interesting videos. i found the SARS rap by the pck gang for one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OPsfAhXUSE and dick lee!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wk51lfLfIQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kP1kcCpvYEk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHyEKDB910w hossan leong's pretty good too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flTqYYRTIZc my mum's client gave me a babyG watch.the funniest thing is, i dont know who he is,how he looks like and why he gave it to me for.okay maybe i do.at least i think that's the reason why. recently his 18 year old daughter fell sick and my mum took time off her job to bring his daughter to the doctor.since he didnt pay her back,he bought me a watch instead. why me and not my mum? ''if i buy for you, you sure give me back one!so i buy watch for your daughter as a gift, you cant do anything.anyway,buy cheap cheap one la.no problem one.'' my question: is babyG really that cheap?? haha.this is called, being so rich until buying a 2 room-bedroom which costs 2 million bucks is okay.no problem at all. how would i love being able to that rich someday.xD cassie
Friday, August 24, 2007
the dreaded prelims have arrived.how frightening.
english was terrible.i just hope that they moderate until half the cohort gets distinctions again, like last year. s.s was probably worse.i didn't finish my sbq ><.so irritating.i looked at the wrong source and screwed up the entire 25 marks.how great is that?and btw,being sick didnt seem like a consolation. chinese was..surprisingly easy.as in paper 1.maybe its because there's lesser pressure now and i'm retaking it 'just for fun'. the week zoomed past,as the recent weeks have and at the same time seem to crawl by ever so slowly.i cant believe i made myself fall sick just as exams started.it's either that or my body's planning a mutiny against my brain. im not happy with myself man!i need to lose my thighs quick and i want that big fat pimple on my nose to disperse like, right now!AND AND.i wanna lose 3 kilos.i thought falling sick could help me attain that and i just kept stuffing myself with more food instead la!bleah. okay nevermind.i need an invisibility cloak to hide all my imperfections. cassie.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
MY 100th POST!!
haha okay shall make this one interesting. cross country'07. it being the last, i could have wished that everything might go on more smoothly.but then again, im contented for what i experienced.((: the day started out quite fine.like duh,the flies and bugs scared the *blub* out of me.they always seemd to appear in the worst of place,in my shirt on my eye and even in my hair.>< apparently some TKGian got knocked down by a bicycle and was injured pretty badly.they had to call for an ambulance or something.0.o zany turned out pretty okay in the end.as usual, i worried for nothing.i should have 100% faith in my own class man.sheesh. got vic and pris to tie my hair and came out,though half done,okay la.unequal,but okay.(: and so the sun was shining,the grass was muddy,and it was at nice east coast that my school had our annual cross-country.(heh, it sounds like some novel) class results were pretty okay.annabel clinched 10th place and hui ching 7th.im proud to be in 4e7.((:well done peeps! ![]() but4e7 is like,nice.so we took a trash bag andwent to the beach.and put on a glove.xD.so then we went around collecting all the idiotic crap people left behind. and thats when it started raining on us!!heavily!!!!!and nina,bah and i didnt know what to do!the bag was so heavy,bulky and breaking.so we were left with two choices: 1. run towards shelter with the bag,and risk it breaking.then the rubbish will splatter all over the floor and we'll have wasted our effort. OR 2.walk slowly so the bag has a lower risk of breaking.and get drenched in the process. needless to say,we chose option2.and mr peh had to go make it all worse, saying things like,"eh!run la!by the time you all reach ah, the rubbish become all water already!!" the destinations went something like that after we reached the dustbin and could finally put down the rubbish. shelter->toilet->snack shop->PHONE BOOTH!?!?!?!->east coast food village->freezing cold car->home sweet home(: watch this!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaaZUGAHqjk haha.jael is just cute la. people keep saying funny things today. mrs foo:(after we asked her if she needed an umbrella because she was walking in the downpour and getting all drenched and even bothered walking and stopping to talk to us in the rain) its okay girls,my car is just nearby.anyway,the outer cornified layer of the skin is impermeable to water! mummy:huh?juice box?whats a juicebox?like a box that is juicy and can squeeze juice come out one ah? (((: its such a fantastic day today. CASSIE!!! prelims is 5 days!english oral in 3!
Friday, August 17, 2007
the most tiring week in my ENTIRE sec 4 life.ever.but also, the best indeed.
mum's said alot of weird stuff lately.haha. 'lately you've been studying so hard, i think you might have gone all gila already.' okay so it doesnt sound so weird now, but it was hen i was in the car. 'you had b4?is that good or bad?why arent you happy?what was your target,c6 ah? if my target really WAS c6, id be screaming for joy by now. after school on monday,su ann,nina,xy and me went to the post office building thingy next to paya lebar mrt.and there i ate my $7.50 kfc meal.the price is like, a rip-off man, especially after all the gst hike and everything.then we went to this fashion and started looking for the most atrocious looking clothes in the shop.and then me and suann each took the weirdest and ugliest possible combination and got changed.we came out looking like..sluts.xD it was totally wicked man. and today nina and i went to parkway after school to get a pair of fbts for tomorrow's cross-country.and when we saw them right, there was this group of tkss girls who saw them too and started shrieking at the top of their voices and ran towards them,literally.and they were all,'OMG!!!AHHHHH!!!!WE FOUND THEM!WE FOUND THEM!YAYYY!!!!!!!!HAHA WAIT WAIT WE GOTAA CALL HER AND HER AND HER..'and they soo obviously saw us waiting for them to leave cause we were nice and actually WAITED for them to finish their picking before finding our fbts.and they kept hogging the area for like, 10 to 15 minutes, which drove me and nina crazy.as in, you know people are waiting for you to get lost and there you are still dilly-dallying.and when they WERE done choosing, they still refused to leave and kept putting the shorts at their legs and were all,'how?nice anot?*giggle giggle* maybe..uhh..*giggle giggle*' like, sheesh,get on with it! i dunno what people would say.they give this bad impression and being in their school uniform, that behaviour was..retarded.and in such a big shopping centre you behave like that..its abit too much,isnt it?oh but whatever man.its not my problem. but then,talk about the pot calling the kettle black. i just saw..the CUTEST video on youtube.must be sure to go check it out, if you already haven't. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In5uec02E8U CASSIE! War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery. the world is such a cruel place.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
just do, then tag 6 people to do it!
1. Put your music player on shuffle. 2. Press forward for each question. 3. Use the song as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. NO CHEATING! 4. Tag 6 people at their tag boards to ask them to do this! 5. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions. How are you feeling today? Ohio (Come back to Texas) by Bowling for Soup if it was come back home,then maybe..(: Will you get far in life? Not Ashamed by Planetshakers not ashamed of what??but then again this is a christian song to praise God. 'sometimes its hard to know exactly what to say, but i will stand up for you are with me all the way?' does that mean ill go far? Will you get married? Highway Blues by Marc Seales so i will get highway blues instead of getting married?or will i get highway blues during my marriage cause of all the traffic jams and all?? What is your best friend's theme song? uhh..which one?? The Way You Look Tonight by Michael Buble aww so sweet!!haha my best friend loves me..there's nothing left for her to love me AND THE WAY I LOOK TONIGHT?lol. maybe in a certain context it applies but then in another context it doesnt. What is the story of your life? My Home Town by Bowling for Soup quite true, in terms of title.because i am quite a family person.but the lyrics say otherwise. 'and i hope you get the f*** out of our hometown!!' NO WAY am i gonna do that.haha sheesh. What was primary school like? If We Hold On Together by Diana Ross 'If we hold on together, i know our dreams will never die..dreams see us through to forever,where clouds go by, for you and i.; maybe i suppose, i did have many fantastic friends in primary school.(((: How can you get ahead in life? Genie in a Bottle by Christina Aguilera HAHAHA,THIS IS SOO FUNNY.its either 1) i need a genie to grant my wishes,just need to 'rub 'me' the right way or 2)if i become a genie, then i'll be able to get ahead in life. What is the best thing about your friends? A Spoonful of Sugar by Julie Andrews 'that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, the medicine go down, medicine go down, that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down,in a most delightful way.' yeah they do.friends are always there in your times of need.they always seem to appear where you need them most, when you least expect it.INDEED a spoonful of sugar.and btw, i <3 sugar! xD What is in store for this weekend? A Whole New World by i dunno who 'i can open your eyes..' SO THAT I CAN MUG! perhaps.((: i wouldnt mind.muahahaha. What song describes you? I've Never Been to Me by Charlene ooh.i think this is really true. as for the 'took the hand of a preacher man and we made love in the sun' part..i haven't reached there yet!! but about the 'longing to be free thing' but then realising later (though it might be a few minutes, or even seconds) happens all the time. oh,but im not alone.i got my lovely family.(: How is your life going? All About You by Mcfly who's the you?if it means my prelims or os, then yeah,totally. What song will they play at your funeral? Gunning Down Romance by Savage Garden WHAT??okay i have super no comment on this one. if i am already dead,how can there be 'chemical reactions in my brain'?? haha rubbish. How does the world see you? Oh Hallelujah by Trevor Morgan uhh.. 'my eyes cant take what they see'.sigh.how sad. Will you have a happy life? Someone Like Me by Atomic Kittens it sounds..egoistic. 'with someone like me, thats the way it should be..' so when im with that 'someone' i'll be happy? What do your friends really think of you? Labamba by Safri Duo truthfully, i have no idea what the song means, but since the music is catchy..maybe its my lively character?then it probably does make sense.heh. Do people secretly lust after you? My Hump by Black Eyed Peas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OKAYYYYYY.. How can I make myself happy? Graduation by Vitamin C hmm..i guess everyone,not just me, should feel happy when they graduate right??maybe except for the losing your friends bit.. What should you do with your life? Don't Pass Me By by Planetshakers hmm..another christian song.so anyone who sees me, DONT PASS ME BY!!! hahaha. Will you ever have children? They Don't Want Music by Black Eyed Peas oh.so i'll have children but they dont want music??thats sad, i dont think i can survive without music.. Now tag 6 people... -su -jerome -ryan -xinyi -rachel -pb tham! CASSIE!(:
Friday, August 10, 2007
happy belated birthday, Singapore.cassie loves you and i don't think i will ever move out of the country.(:
ndp celebrations in school were..pathetic.it would be if the principal combined be-yourself day, carnival day, racial harmony day and national day all together.hanging out with the old folks was fun though, i realised how much i missed having my own grandparents around to talk to.): all of a sudden, i wish they didnt leave me so early,that all of them would be still around.i realised how nice it felt to be loved and really know it.how they would constantly fuss over you.'cassie eat already?' 'cassie do homework already?' 'aiyo careful la, later you fall down how?' i miss saying the rosary with my ah ma in hokkien,pulling her along to play sparklers with me during the lantern festival only to have her hold my lantern for me in the end. here's a shoutout to my ah ma,mama, and yeye.'I LOVE YOU!(:' well, after celebrations a few of us headed down to LJS at the post office next to paya lebar mrt.it was wicked. since there was no school today, my brother and i decided to mess up the home and go crazy.we started off by taking photos and then we headed to play his rotting xbox.i used to be really good and now i cant even get a response quick enough.made his lunch using strawberry jam and cheese(MELTED!) and it turned out pretty good!the kitchen was a mess though, and i, we rather, got a thrashing from our maid.AND THEN, we played chinese chess.and out of what, 10 games i think i only won one.not that im complaining.i never knew how to play it till two days ago.muahaha.so seeing how i think..i did pretty well.xD
ah.i havent studied in the last three days.God help me.where's the MOOD? cassie!(:
Sunday, August 05, 2007
8 days to the release of the o level chinese results.as i'm typing, i cant help but fidget in my chair and feel my heart thumping ferociously.my stomach is twirling(?) and i cant focus on any freaking thing.
according to my brother,its scientifically proven that when a person feels nervous, he or she tends to fart more often.i have no comments to that whatsoever. HELP! i want my A. yet i swear the only best mark anyone should pressure me to get is a b3. rah,but i dont think id be able to face my parent's disappointments if i go up to them with a shitty result.sigh.i dont wanna keep their hopes so high, only to have them all dashed at the end of the day. my God, what can i do?i'm in desperate need for counselling. fingers are crossed. went to roy's home today.and deedee scratched me.)): thank goodness i have two other cats at home who used to do that to me.if not, i might have just freaked.now, the problem is trying to hide these marks from my parents,especially my mum. STUDY!!i cant study,i think i just lost the momentum i had worked so hard to build.>< oh man. <3 cassie Family is the always most important thing at the end of the day.They are the only ones that won't desert you in your time of need. But they are missing at the point where i want them the most. i suppose this is where one differentiates a need and a want eh?
Friday, August 03, 2007
tiring week, but fabulous all the same.AND..tadah!i've stayed off the computer for a week.((: YAY ME! friends DO make the week so much more exciting, and relieve all that bloated stress.like a balloon!! when there's people around, you dont expect it to be an inflated one for long.so yeah.im like the balloon.=D RAH.three weeks to prelims and i'm worrying like mad!i dont seem to have done much preparations, God help me.there's still so much for biology, ss, geog.chemistry is like, 'ahh what the crap!qualitative analysis.irritating.' and physics is,'what happens to my kinetic energy?did it just disappear?' >< oh.SURPRISE SUPRISE!!im healthier than ivy!wahaha.i have 28 out of 30 points for napfa, with that two marks being lost due to my 2.4.ivy ah..you're supposed to be running faster than me la.oh well, im just happy i got my 'c', something ive been able to maintain after not running for 1 yr.seriously seriously.and i almost killed myself for standing broad jump, but oh well, my 5 points still came back in the end.which is a good thing.((: MY SHOE-BUYING SPREEEEEEEEEE
this is it at a different angle in a different shade, but it doesnt look so nice in this light. aha! and this is the other one from nine-west.comfy comfy ballerina flats.they're like, gold with beige-coloured holey cloth.but its not like you can see them from here.sooo.. dong dong dong dong!!!!!!ZOOM.haha that button does WONDERS.plain and simple.i like.((: it was pretty expensive too.but then again, the price cant really kill, as compared to my polka-dot one. cassie and my heart lit up with excitement, just like that, because of you. |