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![]() 081291 IJoln TKGS SAJC netballer guidie rockclimber IHMYC bunny cassandra.kiara@gmail.com alicia
alvin LALA ALVINA alyssa amanda lee amanda leung angel FELLOW COLOUR PARTY ann belicia candice carine carol DEAR ceci TRIO charmaine chermain SPOON chrystal cordelia daniel leow daniel kang daphne COW darren daryl deborah diana dorita DORITOES! erica DA JIE gabrielGOH gabrielPNG gene CUZZ genia GENIUS germaine hui hui huiqi hui xian isa ivy BUNNY jael jamine januver DA GE jeremy jerome NEIGHBOUR jessica SECRET HANDSHAKE PARTNAAAAA! jia xin jingyan jocelyn joella john jolena JON kendra lois mann marcus marissa martin THE MUSICIAN mason SAMON meiwei mr yong nat lee nic ng nigel norbaya paddy pb tham GUIDIE peh hsin pynx rachel lian rachel thong rachel wong rebecca BESTIE ryanNEO samanthaLIM samanthaTAN shilbe SLS sonia steffi su DRAMA MAMA syasa POPPER! tamtam SEXY terence tim wally wanyan weili wilmer xavier EGG TART xinyi THE RUBIK'S MASTER xuan han yihan yiwen zach zaneta SAJC Rockclimbing (: O8S19 <3<3 The QUADRUPLETS!*hugs* IHMYC--<3 <3 Zion's Joy Acts II MY PHOTOS!!!! tkguides 2e1 class blog cat welfare society spca Eefennie
May 2005
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008
i cant believe she's really thinking that. what the hell man. only this time im getting the feeling too. stop being so dense, whys it only me huh.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
oh god.
i really think so! oh mannn. more trouble! shucks. lets hope the next few days sort everything out! if not, itd be 3 leh! 3!!! crap crap crap crap crap. why am i so bloody fickle-minded?? choose one and stick to it man! i need a rockclimbing journal. maybe ill just use my diary.(: or maybe ill get a nice new one. i dunno who reads this blog. so, i shall not post sensitive topics. such as me ponning lectures and such.=p today was totally great. i got some climbing done! and we were supposed to go do pull ups but somehow it didnt come to that in the end. so i had to be satisfied with my core training. poot. NATHANAEL LIANG totally drained my phone of its battery. this is the first time ive seen my phone reach 0%. lol. and all it took was 30 over minutes for the last quarter of the bat to drop. usually it takes 30 hours. SOMEBODY'S obssessed with john tan eh. ;D keep taking photos.xDD theyre up on facebook btw.(: abdul's my friend,stop asking.heh. love,cassie 2 DAYS! 2! 2!(((((:
Sunday, May 25, 2008
wl:SIAN JI PUA. v:this isnt exactly a tag reply.HAPPY BOOF!DAY MY PRECIOUS BABE.I LOVE YA SOO SOO MUCH, AND IM ULTRA SORRY I MISSED YOUR BOOF!DAY. THIS, is a tag reply.yea, thats why.=D tim:are you gonna say nothing if i say what back? xDD huihui: thanks dear.(: its better, now that holidays are almost/somewhat here! update on phuket wedding will be up soon. one takeaway is though, i felt inferior. cause for once in my life im seated next to 9 other millionaires/billionaires. and i suddenly realise how small i am. I AM INSIGNIFICANT. MY LIFE IS INSIGNIFICANT. indeed so true,mr casey leong. =/ but one thing's for sure. they were all so beautiful. love,cassie
Thursday, May 22, 2008
its RAINING! =D as i sit in front of my beautiful computer, im listening to the wonderful splishes and splashes of the raindrops. in fact, i feel inspired enough to post a song.=D Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head Raindrops keep fallin' on my head And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed Nothin' seems to fit Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin' So I just did me some talkin' to the sun And I said I didn't like the way he got things done Sleepin' on the job Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin' But there's one thing I know The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me Raindrops keep fallin' on my head But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red Cryin's not for me' Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin' Because I'm free Nothin's worryin' me [trumpet] It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me Raindrops keep fallin' on my head But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red Cryin's not for me' Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin' Because I'm free Nothin's worryin' me im happy today. yay.=D haha. maybe cause man u won chelsea.(WHEEEEE!) and maybe because i had a great time for pe today. and maybe because we totally ended school at 2 today. and that i had a little bit of climbing done. and that tomorrow im flying off to phuket. and that we end school early tomorrow as well. and that the last two weeks have been the most awesome weeks of school.ever. i think the key is to have a good monday. when you have a good monday, you have a good week. okay okay i copyright this revelation!((: just like *PYU* tm. haha. hmm. i need to go post on the class blog. for holiday timetable schedule. like, no holidays! but whatever. 8 days to kl! man i cant wait. love,cassie it stopped raining already! =o
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
it gets tougher everytime.
the last few days are horror. dont sleep cassie!i tell myself. and i somehow end up with my head nearly rolling off my neck. its just this much awaited anticipation of break. of holidays. well, at least technically. why do mid years have to start like after june hols? truthfully speaking i dont even know why they still call it so, since it can and never will be classified as one anymore anyway. maybe the phuket trip is coming at a right time. a chance to let my hair down. literally. dress up. and actually HAVE a weekend. my social life is in a ruin i swear. darn school. for one who scores 4As for your a levels, you have my utmost respect. ''to stay in talent management, you need to score at least 70 uni admission points for common test.'' yeah, as if thatd happen to me. im struggling to just pass and hopefully turn the nonexistent grades to a b. what sort of chem olympiad fails chem anyway? (the answer's supposed to be me) rockclimbing oh rockclimbing. how i just love thee. you rip my skin off so bad. it just sticks onto the wall. and makes me come back to get it everytime. i know how you made me fall in love with you. it was never you to begin with. ha. "the EXCO is like the plasma membrane and the nucleus of the cell." yup. i hope i left behind an impression through that, no matter how lousy an analogy that may have been. i cant wait for the 29th may. qin ni kuai kuai lai ba. love,cassie yes, no, maybe. i dont know! can you repeat the question? =/
Friday, May 16, 2008
this week has been a relatively good one.
monday was rugby finals. which we lost. but yet managed to gain so much more as a class together. the crazy crazzy CRAZYYYY things we did, the suan-ning and laughter, the cheers.it was AWESOME. tuesday went by pretty okay, no major bloops.except for the fact that i flunked by chem test. 9/25.heh. i can bet i did the worst out of all the chem olympiads.in fact, im probably the only one who did sooo bad and got a U as a grade.LOL. wed. no rockclimbing.darn. got replaced by some security seminar. eew. which didnt turn out to be so bad in the end since the guy was pretty entertaining.self-amusement can be the funniest thing on earth. thursday was.um.normal. stayed in school till super late to finish up darn-ded gpp proposal.and then i went to climb.for a while.with nic ng. till about what?7.30? and friday. the EVENTFUL day. the day which almost spoilt my otherwise relatively perfect week. stupid FRIENDLY captains ball with s11 turned out to be some do-or-die match. i hated the way they were being so cheat-ing and rough and HEARTLESS!XP horrible people. tsk. you idiot.how dare you smash into my face.your gross sweat la, you pig. and then chem tut.oh man.it was SOO SOO SOO SOO draggy.): an econs tut.i was sooooo pekchek i screamed with meiwei.which wasnt even effective. suck eggs. AND EXCO INTERVIEW. which actually turned out pretty okay in the end considering the fact that it was not like council. so im glad. i felt like going up to the j2s and giving them a kiss on the cheeks each for making the interview so bearable. but yes. im digressing. i need sleep. plenty of sleep. i look like a panda, and my new blackie specs arent helping. . . . . . you saved the day, really. who ask you to be my eyecandy? =p The Heart Of Worship (When The Music Fades) *Verse 1* When the music fades All is stripped away And I simply come Longing just to bring Something that's of worth That will bless your heart *Bridge* I'll bring You more than a song For a song in itself Is not what You have required You search much deeper within Through the way things appear You're looking into my heart *Chorus* I'm coming back to the heart of worhip And it's all about You It's all about You, Jesus I'm sorry, Lord, for the thing I've made it When it's all about You It's all about You, Jesus *Verse 2* King of endless worth No one could express How much you deserve Though I'm weak and poor All I have is yours Every single breath *Bridge* *Chorus* *Chorus* love,cassie
Sunday, May 04, 2008
i figured i had better start updating you guys on recent events before they get longer and longer. and i do need my break from stupid math after all.HAH.
so ive got to cover yc seniors retreat, sports day and ROCKCLIMBING CAMP!(: okay. seniors retreat first. *WARNING!RECORD-BREAKING POST AHEAD!make sure youre seated nice and comfortably in that computer chair,no matter how uncomfortable i know it can be* arrived pretty late.by the time i got there,th first session was near finishing and i just sat there looking utterly dejected and left out cause i hadnt done my soul country map.)):we had a cool mis of variations, like calculators,timelines and real pop out trees!=D(BLAME IT ON THE ARCHITECT!he had to go outshine everyone.XP)haha. was in a pretty bad mood partly due to pms,partly due to school, and mostly ALOT ALOT ALOT ALOT to do with student council.*point to note: ive quit! for those who dont already know. and i dont regret it a single bit cause ive found my family already((:* then we sort of closed up.and the bunnies, being studious and forced to, went to study.cassie had her late night dinner.(: then i had a nice talk about me with roy,jac and carol.which really helped me to think things through.LOVES. i almost fell asleep on sars cause i couldnt see them when i entered the room! second day. awoke to the sound of jailhouse rock.later found out it was ivy's. mood became better!(: andre's pillow was so comfy i wanted to keep on sleeping! i have learnt that i should always sms him before every camp to chope his pillows. but i sorta liked his cushions better when they were silky.the new singapore airline girl uniform design is not so smooth.pfft. and then at 7am, roy started cam-ming!HOW UNGLAM.all the sleepy eyes full of morning eyeshit and horrible breath.(not that you can see the smelly breath or what, but whatever =p) skyflakes for breakfast.i ordered becca to make me one with peanut butter."DO IT!"heh. and i started on my soul country with a pretty castle.at least sister said it was pretty.hahah. as usual, cassie was being ocd."ITS NOT CENTRALISED!!!IT HAS TO BE CENTRALISED!!!!IVY I NEED ANOTHER PAPER CAUSE THIS IS UGLYYYYYYYY!!!"and everyone else went, 'tsk.cassie.'HAHA.and then we had meditation before we started on this I Am I Can I have session, where we filled in what we were, what we could do and what we had.i was really glad i remember stuff like having my 10 fingers and toes.cause we always tend to lookover stuff like that so easily and forget what marvellous creations of God we are. !!!I AM OCD, I CAN OCD I HAVE OCD!! omg omg, we had sooooo much fun with that.((: then it was AFFIRMATION! i love affiramations.its really fun going around writing nice stuff for people.i was trying to remember who i had forgotten and you could literally hear me going,"there are 23 people present, ive done her, her,him,him,him,her OMG!I FORGOT HER!" then i climbed up onto the chairs where we had reflection for about an hour on what i and others had written. i swear, tablets are FUN.darn , i should have gotten one.then can play around with it.((: its okay my dearest Dell XPS M1330, i still love you.haha. I BELONG TO BECCA AND SHE BELONGS TO ME! ![]() after lunch were intercessions.some were really funny!!!haha. AND THEN IT WAS SKITS! we had an awesome time acting them out.WHO KNEW BEING A TREE COULD BRING SO MUCH FAME AND FORTUNE?? okay not exactly fortune but fame.heh.xD laugh: i tried jumping while on my knees being short zacchaeus.and the big big big offertory bag usinga ground sheet and gene putting in 50 bucks, which later went temporarily missing.oops.HAHA. then it was imposed silence till after dinner! obviously that couldnt have been done so by mass we were all chatting away.after dinner we were told to write out our names we had been called before which we didnt like. then it was EMO TIME. like seriously. the wemics were sooo cute!and there cassie was, crying away like nobody's business, cause everything just suddenly came back to me.why im like that now,why im who i am today.not in a good sense, technically. and we had those beautiful paper flowers that opened up so nicely in our makeshift pond.one of the messgaes written by some other person cause another huge outburst.DAMN.i was quite embarrassed after that. after that i went to the study room to EMO somemore.until jac came in and brought me to the dinner room.and LO AND BEHOLD!ICE CREAM PARTY!!!!!! oh my.i couldnt really taste the icecream for the first few mouthfuls but then after a few mouthfuls i stopped crying and started tasting the sweetness.i was trying to relate it to the tastelessness being me alone and terrified and upset and the sweetness of the icecream my friends and family.and i realised it all actually fit really well.even if you dont understand it here.haha.just know that CASSIE SAYS IT FITS IN ALL VERY WELL.=DD after we sent sister home it was CAMWHORING!with becca.ha. damn act cute!and im still waiting for WOYKENG!!! to pass me the link for the photos. then i got to play with his camera for a bit before cleanup.ivy and i were drying the flowers before going to sleep. green flowers are especially tough to dry.SEE LA IVY.why you love green so much.haha. then it was sleep time.YAWN. day 3. final session was the lighting of candles bit.then we had a final group shot before going to class. ![]() SPORTS DAY! OKAY NOTHING MUCH TO SAY EXCEPT THAT TO MY DEAREST S19, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!its okay we didnt come in first.we wanted to win something.and we did.and we gained so much more in the process.we forged stronger bonds(stronger than covalent leh!) and we'll be back to own what is rightfully ours next year!im really glad to see that out of soooo many j2 classes, we were part of the top 8 alongside with so many of them!08S19, you guys ROCK MY WORLD.lets enjoy the next two years together hand in hand yeah?((: *btw, weili and yongpin,congrats for making it to council.* and lastly,rockclimbing camp.which was totally totally totally totally awesome.=D since it was the most recent, i should remember it better than the other two.yep.so here's another lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng ramble.(: day 1 after chem prac joyce and i left school to go buy chermains pandan cake.we asked for candles and totally forgot about the darn-ded lighter.HA.how smart. and of all times,chermain had to suddenly pop outta nowehre at jacob ballas and we had to give this lame excuse that the bag contained snacks to last for the night.lol. then while waiting, there was a nice nice amusing encounter with chers eyecandy."shit i think he knows leh!!!'HAHAHA. got settled into our groups and i was in C( for CASSIE! xDDDDD i was saying it throughout the entire camp.i wonder how many doods got irritated lol.) with dawn, tim, bowen,george,alexis and wenyao. we had goal setting and i wrote that i wanted to know the names of everyone in camp and to reach rock 20 for the endurance route. training was horribly tiring.i nearly got killed by idzhar and izzat.those two boys made us do typewriters,jackhammers(?), those pull-up thingys where you went up and down for many different angles thing and WHEELBARROWS.ohman, i suffered most for that one.i hurt my ankle AND my palms are still sore till now.darn. we had a good laugh about hahn dong having the cleanest mind and him going "need to put on an act only la.." XD ohoh.and also when izzat AND idzhar got confused about dawn and dusk."dawn has arrived" when they saw the setting sun.HAHAHAHAHAHA. by the time training ended it was 8!dinner was HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE!some screw-up in the ordering caused us to suffer with the gross fried rice.i ate like 1/5 of it and gave the other to da ge(xiao di! XD) januver. after that we changed into our dark clothes and had teambuilding games!i've got only one thing to say, water balloons are FUN.before we got whoosed off for our showers we had this group hug with the 5 girls being squeezed in the centre by the 20 over other guys with their wet bodies and the water on them slowly dripping onto us...ee.hahah.but it was still awesome!(: the advantage of being in a cca with so litle girls/so many guys is that you dont have to rush to bathe!haha.thought the seniors were being uber sarcastic, with paul going,"wahh, actually the girls quite fast hor.." *snicker* nightwalk!dawn and i were singing like mad.and more people are saying we should join saints idol.LOLL.so dawnkey babe, are you up for it??XD mindy can sleep anywhere la!!haha.while waiting for our turn she just fell asleep on the gallery steps!HAHA.i went alone, and paul just HAD TO TELL ME "YOU SURE YOU WANNA GO ALONE ANOT?SURE YOU WONT BE SCARED ANOT?"TSK.as if we females are so weak.tsk. first stop was lt.on the door there were pasted instructions."do not leave the lt until you hear the knock.be afraid.be very afraid." so corny.haha.so i went inside and sat next to this senior who i think was haoxun.i heard this knock and he went to open it.saw another figure in the pitch dark lt.then i went out again throught the same door.then kianhong started panicking.he was all,"WHY YOU COME OUT!" "cause the instuctions said so?" "WRONG DOOR WRONG DOOR!!!!!" "but you all never specify!" "the upstairs one the upstairs one!" "orh okay lor." so i went back in and saw vincent near the exit.he tried being mysterious and all, which SOOO didnt work and i started giggling and he scolded me for being a spoiler.LOL.it wasnt scary la!more funny than anything else.XD at least better than anthony right.he went in and turned on the lights.he just totally didnt bother about the insturctions at all.haha.he LAGI spoiler.see? im not so bad after all.((: then i carried on with my walk and met mason and cher along the way!it totally made my walk alot easier cause i didnt have to look for a dictionary anymore.though we were being dumb and didnt see the torchlight next to the dictionary.then we went to the photocopier where the screen was emitting light to try and read the next set of instructions.was supposed to find yusong.we walked around the whole level 3 and after awhile he got soo irritated he gave himself away.haha. last up was finding bottlecaps in some dark ulu place.met anthony along the way.okay, truthfully right.that was the scariest part of it.cause you had to go feel your way near the dark toilets.and truth be told, i absolutely LOATHE dark toilets.gross and smelly and scary.yup. but it was funny hearing how dom got freaked out.heehee. NEXT!we got joyce to stall cher while me and dawn hurried back to the room to get the pandan cake.make two eyes with the candles and a smiley mouth with strawberry fruitplus.((: "eh sorry dear.got no lighter.so make a wish, then pretend to blow out the candles k?" HAHAHAHA. and the we had a mini party!!(: the 5 girls plus nathaniel,mason,john, tim and s19 nic.tim was uber cute.peel off small bits to eat.mason chaoji greedy, gobble the cake like noone's business. then the green tea addicts aka the girls went to set up our sleeping area on top of the tables.had manual smsing with dawn for a while then it was off to doo doo land(though i only fell asleep at 2 i think) day 2 early morning shower!went around looking for an empty toilet cause we had to share with the band girls.cause they were having camp too.and there are ALOT of girls in band.ALOT.note to self: never brush your teeth in a public place where your eyecandy can see the unglam you. then morning run.which got me totally upset cause my whole bath just went to waste.two rounds in like 4 minutes.and thats why i say i have no stamina.xP up next was CORE MUSCLES COMPETITION!i realised how weak i was la.moses was super funny.that guy doesnt even need muscles to lift up his legs on the pull up bar 90 degrees cause he's legs are soo freakin long by the time he swings back and forth its already bent way more than the angle required. mason is crazy.tsk.do until so many. breakfast was kaya bread with horrible milo.hmm.=/ then ACTUAL CLIMBING!like, finally la.the whole camp had so much of things other than climbing.so whys it called a rockclimbing camp then?lol.but i climbed!and i reached the rock where no other dude reached!at the inclined part. GIRL POWER!!!total ownage la.WAHA.and bouldering!i reached rock 18!18!18!YAY!in the end i didnt make it till 20 but no worries.ill do it soon.soon ya hear me?? ms wee was really good.thu han was damn pekchek cause he couldnt progress from 10 to 11.ego deflated by a girl.XP paul made me do vincents route.gabriel is another crazy one!and nic looked damn funny is his taekwondo attire.=D LUNCH WAS FANTASTIC!we had a caterer and EVERYONE IN SCHOOL WAS SO SO SO SO SO SO SO JEALOUS!!!haha.funny januver is caught in sooo many scandals and i dont even know how i got pulled into it man. then it was teambuilding games PART 2.vincents tennis ball game(we completed 7/9 circuits.not too bad i would say.(((: ).paul's cross-over-the-string thing (i absolutely hated this one.we were all risking back injuries.it was just waiting for the right moment to happen only.could we please not do this ever again?).lucas's helium stick.ONE-TWO-THREE DOWN!that was fun.record time of 1s.BEAT THAT! dom's mas selamat/mas cookie monster/traitor(wen yao cheated!ohh the traitor, haha.) human traffic jam/chair thingy.that was the funnest of the funnest.(: and lastly su jun's paper plate number press press game.haha.GROUP Cassie you guys are soo fun to be with i have having terrible camp blues now.): then we had cleaning up, where wwe pretended to wash the already sparkling clean toilet. it was followed by prize presentations.=D cher won best camper!(happy birthday...happy birthday..happybirthday..hahaha.HOW MANY TIMES DID WE SING IT AGAIN?6?7? XD) then it was evaluationg of our goals.i was saboed by yusong to name everyone in camp.heng ah.lucky never get anything wrong and make a fool of myself.then it was BANG GANG! overall, it was a satisfying camp.eyecandy could be spotted ever soo soo often.i indulged in each conversation we had and i loved every second of it.lol i sound desperate.xDDDDDD we should stay in school more often.=p ohman.i have no idea whats wrong with me. and today.i went swimming!finally, after like 4 months? well, im proud to say that at least i still accomplished my usual 20 laps though with s slower timing. and TADA.im done. goodnight peeps!(: love,cassie p.s. thanks ryan for the gift.everyone was OBSSESSED with it after the talk."omg so cuteee!!" =D |