now i have sexy legs and the whole school knows about it.

fine.maybe not the whole school.but still.
ivy!ee..embarassing to have my legs showing on speech day leh..its this formal event and suddenly there's this tkgian on the powerpoint slide with her big fat legs showing..
but oh well.
yc session-'the action in inaction and the inaction in action'
what do you think about THAT?well, think of the action in inaction as you queueing up to buy food.people see it as doing nothing, but you ARE in fact doing something, which is duh, queueing up and waiting!and think of the inaction in action as (koping from ivy's blog) having a really hectic week at school and doing tons and tons of homework, which in fact wont help at all.
im in the neenjah mood.someone neenjah me to wake me up.
midyears are in 9 days and im still like digging my own grave.
happy birthday to all my friends who are celebrating their birthdays this weekend!