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Sunday, July 01, 2007
i love getty images.i love it i love it i love it.((:
i love their pictures;i love the angles which they take it in, the colour, and whatever nots! chocolate-coated marshmallows.yum.syasa wont be able to resist!!hmm, i feel like having barbequed marshmallows tonight.shall go buy a packet later.hee.okay.so i dont really know what it is.but it looks good.chocolate cupcakes with blood-red strawberries.0.oand i realise, my choice of words aint exactly that good.xD FOOD FOOD FOOD!!yesterday we went to the super old fashioned kind of breadshop.and the bread is sooo soft its like cotton.heavenly.it was like this blast to the past sort of thing,and some sense of deja vu.this is supposed to be laksa,but somehow it just doesnt look like it.I WANT A CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN AT MY HOME!! and..non-food related: =D.its adorable right?tell me its adorable. i have no idea why, but this picture grabs me.i took one look at it and it started triggering all sorts of thoughts and memories. an issue many always seem to shun: i think its cruel that we all get to live such wonderful lives, being able to be fed, clothed and educated.the injusticeness of live.the unfairness.to them,a grain of rice means survival, to us,a piece of pork equals glutton.its indeed a wonder and a miracle that they are able to survive that long.see them ,stick thin, yet still being able to walk, beg and hunt for food.their stomachs bloated from malnutrition,their ribs sticking out of their skin.and here we are, in small little Singapore, with abundance of everything we need.(well, unless you count water and land and these sort of things).we continuously waste resources(including me,yes yes, guilty) with nonchalence, indifference, ignorance.selfish us.
though it was awkward, it was still a smile, after all. |