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Wednesday, June 11, 2008
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated themselves. B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people. If your complain to my mum,then my dad.then my friends.then to anyone else who will listen. or have younger siblings.xD If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be? staying young. What will your dream wedding to be like? simple.funky.church.RED.=D Are you confused of what lies ahead of you? ERM. erm. did that answer the question?? What's your ideal one with small kiddies smiling at you the whole way through.((((((((((; Do you have a person that you wish you will be with now? heh. yea. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone? both. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love? if i really love him/her, id wait till i couldnt anymore. If the person you secretly liked is already attached, what would you do? liked,not loved? too bad for me lor, i guess i gotta learn to give him up. ive already done it once anyway.=/ Is there anything that makes you unhappy these days? THOUSANDS.unfortunately. How do you see yourself in ten years? child psychologist/getting a bachelors/engaged?(i wanna get married at 28! xDD) Who are currently most important people to you? ivy ryangoh ce becca jac roy leon. gerrard. brother parents da ge. tbg. my rockclimbing DUDES!tim,nat,nic ng,mason,john,zhiwei,moses,luqman,thuhan,alexis,nic teo,UGLYjan?tackwei,george,anthony,kian shiong,bowen,paul,kianhong,yusong,lucas,izzat,idzhar,dom,haoxun AND MORE! my rockclimbing BABES!dawn,cher,enya,rachel,sujun,zhunen the kids in marymount centre.xD esp clarice,nicole,averil and ling jie. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is? extraordinary. special. my very bestest friend. SCARY sometimes.xDD Would you rather to be single and rich or married but poor? depends on how old i am first. if im still like 20 plus, then single and young. if im already 60 plus, got so much money also no use, so then id rather be married and poor. What's the first thing you do check my mail to see the crazy number my unread mails have reached to. Would you give all in a relationship? yeah. i do my best for all man. If you fall in love with two person simultaneously, who would you pick? dunno. ill see how if it ever comes to that. the feeling must suck. What type of friends do you the creme de la creme. If you were given the chance to turn back time, will you? hell yeah. What is the last thing you would do before you die? smile,cry and hug everyone i know. sing. wait thats 4 things. erm.must i really choose?? cheekuweetamachabobibichakakitahetudenay!!!!!!!! WAZZAAAAAAAAA!!! 8 people to be tagged: tim huihui ryan neo gene daryl jerome leow weili jolena WAHAHA. |