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Monday, June 02, 2008
ryan neo: it's come and gone! )): ryan goh: yeah i guess? v: too bad! =p huihui: me too!im going service learning though!!((: nat: tsk.dynos seems to be the nly thing you talk about these days. xD KL TRIP WAS LIKE AWESOME!!! =DD i so so so so so wanna go again man. the trip there was LONGGG. i think most of us slept throughout the bus ride. thuhan studied.like,study leh!in the bus! lunch was like, A&W!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT HAS BEEN SINCE I HAD A&W?? i ordered a beary meal and they had this cute cute pen thingy which me and dawn got, and it became our source of entertainment for the rest of the journey to kl. unfortunately,it was POURING when we reached kl. okay maybe not pouring, but it was raining bad enough. so we headed to Camp5 @ OneUtama shopping centre. its asia's largest indoor climbing gym, and it was HUGE! LIKE, ROCKCLIMBING HEAVEN.((: i swear it was love at first sight. there was this dude at the cashier who got me quite irritated. like, he was going on and on about knowing how to lead climb and then he later confessed he only had level 1 certification.like, dont waste my time!i wanna climb.stop hogging the cashier i wanna make my payment.xPPPP my group consisted of lucas,mason,yingqiu and nic teo. there were some routes that made you feel totally good. and they have these autobelay systems which are so awesome man! unfortunately on these kinda things you cant rest if not you fall all the way down.wheeeeeeee... their bouldering area is cool.a few of us(kian hong,haoxun,vincent,cher,dawn,lucas,mel)climbed up this slidey thingy and took some awesome shots.kian hong looked like he was going to fall flat on his face.super scary. dinner was yoshinoya. dawn and chermain had fish and co.'s, and they recounted about how paul was so so disappointed cause he wanted "LAMB SHANK LEH!" from secret recipe. the food is CHEAP.even at some high class shopping centre as that.its like the malaysian vivocity.(: i think nicholas ng is crazy. he keeps taking photos of his mouth.xDD and we on our way to the lodge when they were having this street performance. and this dude was playing with the soccer ball. and ive never seen anything like it. it was HOT!!! REALLY AND TRULY! he was rolling it aoround his head and neck and doing all sorts of tricks and moves and i was mesmerised. so was the rest of the bus peeps. the lodge was a little disappointing. small room with thumping music from the bar downstairs. beds had buggies and no blanket, and aircon was stuffy (it was even shared between two rooms!) and leaking, making my bed all damp. but nonetheless it was going to be lucas' birthday, and we were all cheered up by trying to see whatd happen during operation:toothpaste! **kian hong went abit kuku after rockclimbing camp, he's been taking many photos of sleeping people, and new mannerisms such as smearing toothpaste on people have started popping up.=pp** i didnt sleep till 4! cause thats when the music below ended. waited for paul's knock on the door but didnt hear any at 5.30am.(chermain and dawn did!but DOBODY knocked.guess im the only normal one, then?xDD) i assumed he didnt wake up and went back to sleep. suited me fine.i was too sleepy anyway. later when we all got up we found dawn sleeping in the stairwell cause it had gotten too cold and we didnt have any blankies to pass the night. turns out that operation:toothpaste! failed cause lucas was WAY WAY WAY WAY awake before anyone else.so it was a disaster. poor thing.itd have been fun. we left pretty early the second day. FINALLY SOME NATURAL ROCKCLIMBING! it was a cool experience. all the bat shit, and bird-poo-on-cassie-but-she-just-looks-and-seems-rather-neutral-and-nonchalent,as well as the mozzies and irritating grass.but it turned out surprisingly easy. maybe cause they were easier routes but WHATEVER MAN.start small first.((: and it had to rain.)): but it was okay. we packed up an i got myself a litre of chrysanthemum tea. and vincent and i had tons of fun with a black kitten now affectionately known as bobby(once i had confirmed it was a guy.if not itd have been bibi.xD) while waiting for the bus uncle to arrive. then weheaded back to oneutama. me cher and dawn found that spending 17RM to climb fr like 2 hours was not worth it, so we decided to be nice and go walk around to find a nice dinner place to accomodate 30 peeps and host lucas's birthday. and guess where we ended up? SECRET RECIPE. how ironical. no prizes for guessing what paul ordered. vincent tim nat john kian shiong ++ didnt climb too.they were WINDOW SHOPPING!=O communicating over the walkie talkie is HARD. though it was an AWESOME piece of entertainment. and it started with tim's WAZZA! classic man, i tell you. you dont see hahn dong so sensible, he can go abit kuku sometimes too. cake was CHOCO BANANA!!((((((((((: and i had nice lasagna for dinner.i think like,70% of the entire table ordered lasagna.xDD it might have been sugar hugh, everyone was so soo high after dinner.the boys went on to play with their walkie talkies, making whistling sounds, singing TheBeatles,playing cards,ogling at supposedly gay men, clapping to drum beats(which was FUN!like everyone thinking of their own rhythm and adding on.=DD) and passing around shrek ears! oh, and we cant foget the smashing of cake into faces,shirts,and hair,can we?;) the music was WORSE second night round,cause it was a FRIDAY. i was getting a headache, so i decided to go upstairs to play bridge,taitee,cheat ad bluff with tim,nat,john,moses,zhiwei. i have to say,the love-hate relationship between them(moses and zhiwei) is soo cute,its abit gay sometimes.=ptheyre like always arguing yet theyre always sticking together.xDD moses: yeah its a love-hate relaTIONSHIP.he loves me and i hate him. LOLLL!!! that was one of the funniest things of the whole trip. OH. mason did a horrible thing. now my mind just became more corrupted. he came out of the shower with just his towel draped around his waist and was like,bare elsewhere! i culd feel my face go red as he stepped into the living room. 'erm, cassie you can stop looking.haha look,she's gone red.' WHOOPS. ms wee chased us to bed soon after, but i didnt sleep till the music ended. it was louder than the night before, how to?? )): last day. thank goodness i packed my stuff the night before.i was so tired i didnt think i could make it even if i rushed. breakfast was, interesting i would say.we were sitting at the table when this small boy suddnyl appears and plonks himself into dawn,chermain and my lap.like, withou a word.then he takes out his baby doll, and makes it play this irritating twinkle twinkle little star tune., only agreeing to trade if mel gives him her can of unopened milo.like,WOAH.so young and so manipulative.and cunning. we went to a different area of batu caves to climb. no bat shit, but bird shit plenty. i kena-ed.again. but whatever man. they were tougher this time round, and the area had more mozzies than the day before. but no grass, so that was a relief. i wore my cap around the whole day to hide my helmet hair.=/ there was this route, in which like only a few completed it cause it got really tough.especially after vincent climbed halfway,broke off a piece of rock, which was an important handhold,and made it one grade harder. i tried, but before i could reach bird-shit cave, some bad bad rocks fell into my eyes.and i had to get down. maybe it was a god thing, i didnt think id had enough energy to climb anyway. so it probably saved me from the embarrassment.heh. then we packed up and left. immigrations was a breeze, there was NO ONE.at all.so that was a good thing. ot was cards all the way in the bus.everyone was soo soo hyhped up about the whole trip. i have to say, it was a great experience, and im going to get my level two soon so i can go back again and lead climb this time. gosh i love climbing. ((: sunday was sec2 camp training. role-playing was fun, i got to be a bored kid, which was exciting caue i was being so disruptive.SIAN JI PUA.then i took held up the water hose which got everyone scared, and tore paper into kenneth's hair. i missed frisbee cause i had to mug.xP how utterly horrible. today was cleaning of equipment. washed groundsheets,rope bags,had to hand in farewell proposal, and i got my exco position. treasurer. i guess i cant hide the fact that i was disappointed, but i was prepared for it. in any case, the people who got cap and vice cap are fit for th job. i couldnt have picked better people than them already. so congrats tim and dawn, you guys better do your job well if not im gonna kick your asses.not that i have any doubts at all.=DD then poon came to my home to settle the invitation cards. and now i gotta sleep. BYE. love,cassie |