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Sunday, September 21, 2008
since i havent been having depressing days of late,i suppose my brain decided on its own to have one today.
PROMOS are technically supposed to be the only thing in my mind right now,but unfortunately that really isnt the case. and so, i dont deny the fact that shit always comes at the worst of times. .................................................................................. you know that sometimes it really makes me boil. that you use me only when my services are required. its funny how we used to be so close. then you flared up and we hardly talk now. and when people started to piss on you, i suddenly got all your blame and all your criticisms because stupid people actually still think we're close. i tried so hard last time, and when i gave you up you suddenly wanted me back. and not because you really wanted to too. more like, utility. well, not so easy sweetheart. remember i became a bitch after you. ......................................................................................... yeah so now she thinks im the maid in the home. do this do that. your brother has exams to study for. your dad went fishing. i need to fetch yor godma and godpa from the airport. so please help out since youre so free. yeah right, free my ass. im so free that my promos are only one day away, im mugging my shit butt off so as to please you. sometimes its not that youre that bad but you always seem to catch me in the worst of moods. .................................................................... im sorry. really i am. i didnt mean to shout out, to exclaim,to otinue on about it. i really didnt know. ill call you. toothpick. |