tag replies:
jerome LEOW- yes retard knight? i need another mugging session.
zhou tai2-duo xie le.you too ya?
lois-thinking is like, inevitable man. i think im tinking too much the last few days.finding it hard to sleep.
ryanGOH-im not ready leh.and anyway im scared.
ryanNEO-i think im being pressd too hard alr.but thanks! congrats on the passing of your driving test.(:
becca-NOOOO.only roy and jac use it okay? and that was kinda obvious. talk about yourself man. heh. piano exam on THURS!im gonna MATI.like, really really.
kenneth-omgoodness.i think youre the first one who went to colour in your words.ha. do somemore!quite nice.and i think you asked a redundant question cause you did know who i was referring to anyway.
anon-okay.you are?