this is post 199.(:
i dont want to blog two day in a row, but.

i have finally figured out how to save my screen.THANKEW.
me likey this one. its cooooooool. and it was a nice route to climb.

sums names this ANTICIPATION. i like the angle.

constipation sial.

spatula did it! (:
the boys have surprisingly more facial expressions than the girls.

: 0


my brudda looking more like a kingkong than ever. XE

tomorrow is GIRLS SOCCER FINALS VS VJC ZOMG and i am freakin out.GO GIRLFRIEND!
i tried studying today, and ended up doing a ridiculously pathetic amount of math.
actually i think puttin up so many pictures spoil the effect, but i dont want to blog everyday.
ogay im going to sleep now im dinner-ing with SPOONZ tomorrow, and im seeing my SECRETHANDSHAKEPARTNER and GOHSERYANG on saturdayyyyyyyyyy!yummymummy.
OH OH OH! photos courtesy of sumsng.