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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
GUESS WHATS OVER??? (: stuff to do after promos:
okay the last four didnt make sense.or three, if yout take away the alot of sand bit. mamma mia!, here i go again.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
since i havent been having depressing days of late,i suppose my brain decided on its own to have one today.
PROMOS are technically supposed to be the only thing in my mind right now,but unfortunately that really isnt the case. and so, i dont deny the fact that shit always comes at the worst of times. .................................................................................. you know that sometimes it really makes me boil. that you use me only when my services are required. its funny how we used to be so close. then you flared up and we hardly talk now. and when people started to piss on you, i suddenly got all your blame and all your criticisms because stupid people actually still think we're close. i tried so hard last time, and when i gave you up you suddenly wanted me back. and not because you really wanted to too. more like, utility. well, not so easy sweetheart. remember i became a bitch after you. ......................................................................................... yeah so now she thinks im the maid in the home. do this do that. your brother has exams to study for. your dad went fishing. i need to fetch yor godma and godpa from the airport. so please help out since youre so free. yeah right, free my ass. im so free that my promos are only one day away, im mugging my shit butt off so as to please you. sometimes its not that youre that bad but you always seem to catch me in the worst of moods. .................................................................... im sorry. really i am. i didnt mean to shout out, to exclaim,to otinue on about it. i really didnt know. ill call you. toothpick.
Friday, September 19, 2008
today is a good day. because i only had pe and bio lecture. and how often does that happen man. macs for lunch.timo,huihui,lois,gabs,daryl,wl,nicteo. big group, but interesting lunch. and guess who brought his guitar?? (: so then while the boys went around picking locks, me, nic ng kah shing and yihan had some fun with the strum-strum. pe was rough,hot,but even so fun. yes,fun. captains ball is a simple game, but never fails to uplift my spirits we were all dying of heat stroke, but IT WAS OKAY! now i have three big Bs on each foot. *somethings wrong with my computer,whatever i type cant come out properly.* something that made me laugh today: huihui: aiyo my son so naughty ah!tsk tsk. X jo: ya lor.you should go to your naughty corner. timo: mm.yeah.go do some reflection. cassie: then go stand in front of mirror? another: dawn: cassie can you like study? if not later retain. EH WAIT.i think just retain la.then join your eyecandy.he everyday play basketball never study,confirm retain one. eunice: EH CAN YOU LIKE DONT MAKE FUN OF RETAINEES HUH? (she didnt do very well for common tests see?) it doesnt sound so funny here... okay. so i stayed back to mug again ttoday. and while waiting for my mum i sorta got chased out of the school with the security guard behind my back.then he slammed the main gate behind me. "very late alr leh!" so thrilling,being the last to leave school @10pm. (another reason why i think im going crazy.being chased out of school can also be fun.sigh cassie sigh.) my emo plans always turn out opposite la can?? is it just me or is the weather getting hotter by the day? do you know that walking around the track can help you memorise stuff better? and do you know how nice it is to sit and feel the wind,watch the sun set,mugging with your pals can be? i feel tired yet rejuvenated(by the mugging maybe,HAH). i feel emo-ed yet glad. i feel like i havent done enough but yet i still feel satisfied. DONG DONG DONG. love,toothpick
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
what day and date is it today again?
i forgot. post-tauhuey memory loss. AHHH NOO. xD i am having SOO much fun mugging. literally, and sarcastically at the same time. i am going to come up with a list of things i WILL do after promos. guess what? im having another pimple outbreak. which means im stressed. which means ive been studying. because the only thing i get stressed about is my studies. and maybe the home issue. wait, thats a fallacy. cause sub A=pimple outbreak, B=stressed and C=studying, while A could =B, and B=C, it not necessarily means that A=C. hmm, okay theoretically that is untrue, supposing A,B,C are real values and they are constants. so then A WILL = B which WILL = C, which means A=C. but like in the GP sene its wrong, cause thats like, a slippery slope argument, because just because i have a pimple outbreak, does not necessarily mean ive been studying. (SO TRUE!) because in reality, theres no such thing as a constant and everything varies, aka. its a variable. SOOO.. it is an indefinite conclusion. someone tell me im going crazy, this is definitely because im studying too much. and this ISNT a sweeping statement. it has SUPER SUPER true premises. okay BYE. EoM awaits. love,TOOTHPICK
Saturday, September 13, 2008
it has been a fulfilling week. well,other than monday. here's some random shots,some of which were taken AGES ago but still bring a smile to my face everytime. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() MUGGERINA ALL THE WAY! have signed up for night study sessions with timo and jo, and ive made sure to be the FIRST to put my name up on that list! okay,so mugging probably isnt that bad if youve got the company (as in the ones who WANT to study too), the food,and the ATMOSPHERE. its beautiful to sit in the cafe, watch the BREATH-TAKING sunset,with the cool wind blowing into your face, and a hot cup of free milo sitting next to you. just you and your books. altogether now,AHHHH... (okay, so maybe i was only in it for the free milo.xDD) its really just great be the last few ones in school. so quiet, so much time for self-reflection (AND MUGGING!) and the hour alone as you're on your way home, walking through potong pasir neighbourhood. the week has had its share of fun, just enough to top off what put the beginning of it in a terrible state. just recounting several incidents.. -jo trying to fit her bike through the turnstile and eventually getting stuck.at 8.35pm at night.THANKGOD there was hardly any one, if not we'd go into world's funniest humans or something. (: -and immediately after that getting scolded by a weird auntie on our way to the kopitiam for dinner. -a meeting with timo's guitar,and i can say it was probably love-at-first-sight.uhuh. so right now im still finding my way through the chords (POWER CHORDS!!! =DD) bar chords are still a no-no, and the strumming.one day im gonna perfect the jason mraz,under vincent's guidance.YEAH.(: -the snacks during the week.mmm.. -the fact that right now im too tired to even have insomnia. xDD so i still take like 2 or so hours to sleep but its better than sleeping for that time every night. -cadbury boost!and kitkat! -okay, so three or so weeks into this thing, and we havent stopped on the tarzan thing.or even the teflon bit. -since THAT DAY,ive been getting simple wishes/miracles performed. 'lets not have pe today.'POOF! -GODMA AND GODPA ARE HERE!and even though entertaining them can be quite HARRRRRRR.. theyare one of the MOST AWESOMEST PEOPLE EVERRR.really. i suppose you dont have to have such a nice week to know youre loved and realise how much life really means.(: thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you. love,toothpick
Thursday, September 11, 2008
today i have thought of a list of things i can go in your face! for. today may be 9/11, but i think i can still pass my piano exam. i only got ONE mark for my aq, but i still managed to get a B! i have definitely been mugging more than you. your girlfriend loves me more than you. :DD how shocking isnt it? youre in some loser cca and im in the coolest one in the entire universe.(because we made it into TEAM SAJC) aint that the truth? i have more msn contacts than you. and more phone contacts than you! when we last counted i OWNED you by 50 okay. my life is more interestin than yours. im a toothpick. im a girl. ((((: love,TOOTHPICK
Monday, September 08, 2008
why is my life going SO FUCKING WRONG.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
tag replies:
jerome LEOW- yes retard knight? i need another mugging session. zhou tai2-duo xie le.you too ya? lois-thinking is like, inevitable man. i think im tinking too much the last few days.finding it hard to sleep. ryanGOH-im not ready leh.and anyway im scared. ryanNEO-i think im being pressd too hard alr.but thanks! congrats on the passing of your driving test.(: becca-NOOOO.only roy and jac use it okay? and that was kinda obvious. talk about yourself man. heh. piano exam on THURS!im gonna MATI.like, really really. kenneth-omgoodness.i think youre the first one who went to colour in your words.ha. do somemore!quite nice.and i think you asked a redundant question cause you did know who i was referring to anyway. anon-okay.you are?
maybe i really have known all along?
like, deep down, subconsciously hidden in some small part of the brain. i knew. but i just let it go on, merely for the fact that i wanted to keep playing, and didnt want it to stop. maybe i did. self-denial, perhaps? sometimes i wonder if its got something to do with my inferiorities, my fears of history repeating, and my trying too hard to make sure it doesnt. of making the same mistake. and its SCARY sometimes,when messages seem to come in all directions in all means to tell you that it might be happening. or when so many things of no relevance happen, and somehow totally interlink to form a long sentence with perfect meaning, and spot-on words that describe what im going through and what im gonna do. IM SCARED. i dont know why i keep feeling so tired, and yet have insomnia. that when i want to sleep, i stay awake. yet i cant leave my mind at peace enough to get in some slumber. i dont know why i keep feeling so angry, at everyone for no particular reason. the bubbles are boiling and im popping it into the faces of everyone i care about. i just dont want to talk, to study, to get out of my room. i just wanna sleep,REALLY sleep, and get every single thing out of my system. its getting tougher and tougher. i just dont know whats causing it and why. love,toothpick.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
im very tired.
not just tired. but really, im very very tired. before it gets too late. before i change my mind. before i stop it, and everything else. the rain dampens the mood not much i can do about it too. the first september chills. but i just hug them tight and wish it all away. a fantasy, an illusion, but still, a momentary bliss,oblivion. what do you think? what you like, what you dont. about yourself. about me. i need Him now, more than ever. it seems that the older i become, so am i a greater coward than ever. hiding behind all the untruths, procrastinations, hypocrisy. He said: Just call My name, and Ill be there. Dear Jesus, this is where You come in now. show me the way from here, because i am utterly lost. goes off-track hops around, bungee-jumping, fast hard thumps its everything combined into one. today was another mugging day. lessons,mug. many strange encounters of late. today was the stapler+pen incident. dinner @AMK. subway was a much needed laugh. with the whole 'cassie that dude was flirting with you!' 'really meh?' saga. and of course. ce and i just couldnt stop sniggering with the two in front of us. or at least, i couldnt. (: but you guys are cute. love, TOOTHPICK
Monday, September 01, 2008
tag replies!
ryan-YOU WERE LATE! TSKKK. lois-yeah meet my crazy cousins.((: bel-HELLO!your boyfriends a bitch sometimes you know.xD abel-youre ABEL!youre ABEL!i knowww you are ABEL!i know you are ABEL through and through. xDDD daniel/daryl/lyrad- thanks thanks! :D
just so eveyone knows,
august has been a rollercoaster month. i suppose that in order to have two perfect days, the rest of the 28/29 have got to be sacrificed. i am absolutely certain it was a conspiracy. sometimes i wonder how humans can be soo inhuman,so uncaring,so uncompassionate. SO FORGETFUL. it makes one think how many more billions and trillions of time hao xin mei hao bao will come into view once more. these people disgust me. really. i know that many have their reasons for doing so, but these means are purely despicable. and YOU GUYS. sometimes you people are seriously USELESS. i mean, justice and mercy. at times, they DONT overlap okay. urgh. now its not just my home, but my neighbours too. whats going on? mugging session today. at least it was productive. i need another one of these. to keep up all the bio and econs and math and chem. i didnt realise how out of touch i was till. today. yup. love,cassie toothpick |